

Redemption of Humanity is a non-profit educational Christian ministry, aimed at defending and proclaiming Christianity and teaching the Bible faithfully.

All articles on this website are authored and regularly updated by Sean Hotinski, a Christian from Australia with a Bachelor of Theology.

The ultimate purpose of this ministry is to bring all people in the world to faith in Jesus Christ, so that they may receive the forgiveness of sins and eternal life with him in Heaven. We also expose unbiblical teachings, heresies, and false religions/worldviews, to protect people from the serious harm of false doctrines.

Because of our conviction that the entire Bible is the infallible and inerrant Word of God, we make the highest effort to ensure that all teachings on Redemption of Humanity are both biblical and also in agreement with what the Church has constantly and universally taught.

Redemption of Humanity is not sponsored by or affiliated with any group, church, or organisation. The creed we hold to, however, is the Book of Concord, which means that we are Christians in the Lutheran tradition.

Our sincere hope and prayer is that this website will be a blessing to you, whoever you may be. May all the praise and glory be to Jesus Christ, to whom we are forever indebted for saving us.

“For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord,
with ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake.”

2 Corinthians 4:5
The Holy Bible (ESV)